Open House with Team Reba

Episode #271- Don’t Fear the Headlines

July 16, 2022 Reba Haas, Eric Aasness

Why all the fear surrounding the housing market? Because fear drives panic, and panic drives money to fearmongers.  Maybe it's time to take a collective breath and re-examine the underlying dynamics at work in the present market.

On this episode of Open House, Reba and Eric take apart the stats and offer up timely counsel for making the most of the current marketplace.  You’ll learn:

·        What’s likely to happen with the Consumer Price Index over the next several months, and why it matters.

·        What the present inverted yield curve means for loan programs.

·        How inventory rates are used to define the kind of housing market we're in.

·        Why there are so many price reductions happening in this seller’s market.

Plus Reba explains the opportunity of Buyer Bonuses for both sides of a real estate transaction, and Eric discusses what misreading the market can cost you.

So breathe in – breathe out – and take a clear-eyed look at the current state of affairs.  While hair-blazing throngs hemorrhage their prospects at the word of the nearest doomsayer, your cool-head can help you come out ahead on their abandoned opportunities– all by listening to this episode of Open House with Team Reba.

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